showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Deadline Infocom1985 69105 detectivemystery interactivefiction wordinput labelimageminimize
The Witness Infocom1985 1930s 69105 detectivemystery interactivefiction wordinput labelimageminimize
Wishbringer Infocom1985 69105 commercial interactivefiction keyboard license-proprietary printer wordinput zorkverse labelimageminimize
Leather Goddesses of Phobos Infocom1986 1930s 69105 alienmenace bossbutton companion earth genderchoice interactivefiction northamerica printer wordinput labelimageminimize
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor Infocom1987 69105 cardinalnavigation coconuts interactivefiction wordinput zork zorkverse labelimageminimize
Bureaucracy Infocom1987 69105 interactivefiction printer realprotagonist wordinput labelimagesubject
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Infocom1988 69105 interactivefiction wordinput zork zorkverse labelimageminimize